MUS 17F/673, Fall 2020

Technology and Music Education

LIU • LIU Post • Department of Music

As scheduled now PowerPoint presentations will be shown in class for peer-assessment during our final session on December 22 at 1:50 pm. Everyone will have 8-10 minutes to demonstrate his or her work.

All other classwork and assignments must be submitted by 3 pm December 24.

Part A is mandatory for all, then you have a choice of one from parts B, C, or D.

Part A — Lesson Plan using PowerPoint

  1. Take a lesson plan you have already written or write a new lesson plan that incorporates PowerPoint into the presentation of the lesson.
  2. You must email a description of your lesson plan and presentation to JM before beginning work on them.
  3. The presentation must contain at least five slides in addition to a title slide.
  4. It must include several audio excerpts which you have created.
  5. It must include several graphics of music examples which you have created.
  6. The number of excerpts and graphics will depend on the objective of your lesson plan.

The PowerPoint presentation will be demonstrated in class for peer-assessment. Here is the rubric we'll be using for assessment.

During this presentation you do not have to teach the lesson. Be prepared to do an overview of the lesson which should include brief descriptions of the following:

  1. Class
  2. Goal
  3. Objectives
  4. Environment/Materials
  5. Standards Addressed
  6. Prerequisite Behavior
  7. Exploration
  8. Assessment
  9. Closure

Ideas for Lesson Plans

  1. Types of scalces
  2. Types of chords
  3. Modes
  4. Instrument families
  5. Eras of Classical Music
  6. Forms found in a typical classical symphony
  7. Meter
  8. Dynamics marks
  9. Tempo marks
  10. Articulation
  11. Ear-training
  12. Name the chord type
  13. Name the Inversion
  14. Theme and Variation
  15. Analysis

When completed and presented you should submit your completed lesson plan in standard lesson plan format and the folder containing your PowerPoint presentation material. How you submit these items is still to be deremined.

Remember to create your PowerPoint in the proper way so media inserted in the presentation is copied with the file. (We went over this in class.)

Part B — Sequencing Project

Complete a sequencing project of at least 32 measures with a minimum of 4 to 5 tracks and timbres. The minimum length is two minutes.

You should pick from one of the following categoires:

Create an arrangement of an original or existing song you could use in the classroom.

Create an arrangement of an original or existing song you can use to accompany you singing or playing.

Ensemble Director
Create an arangement of an original or existing song you can use to accompany an ensemble.

For all the above categories you can use audio or software instruments (MIDI) looops, perform the accompaniment parts yourself, have them played by others or input them using step-record (if suppoerted in your DAW), or using Notation/Score view or Piano Roll view.

You can receive extra cresdit if you use a notation program to create your arrangement, save it as a MIDI file then import it into your DAW).

In each of the above categories each track in your project should include appropriate volume and pan settings and effects plugins.

For each of the above categories the use of a pre-existing MIDI file is acceptable, especially if you are not able to perform the parts in the accompaniment. More on this in class.

What you should submit when your project is done will be dependent on which category you choose and which DAW you use. More in class.

Part C — Notation Project

Complete a final notation project of at least 24 to 32 measures with 4 or more instruments and staves. One transposing instrument is required.

Your score should include more than just the notes, i.e. appropriate dynamics marks, phrase marks, slurs, etc. must be included.

The choice of music is yours. If you don't have a specific choice, you can arrange a Bach Fugue for a quartet of your choice.

On completion, send the project file and PDF versions of the score and each part to JM at the assignment address.

Part D — Audio Production Project (Audacity or GarageBand or other DAW)

Talk to JM about the requirements of this part. There are a few possibilities from which to choose. This part would be similar to the Soundtrack Exercise done earlier this semester.

Example project: create a recording containing spoken word, music and appropriate sound effects which you could use in your classroom. Perhaps a short story or a poem or two.

Another example.

What you submit for this project will depend on what you create.