For review
Simple and Compound Meters
Applied Harmony and Counterpoint II
MUS 91, Fall 2000

The information on this page has been taken from Chapter 2 of our textbook. Look through that chapter for more information.

Some terms:

The basic pulse of a musical passage.
Groups or patterns of beats. Duple (group of two beats), triple (group of three beats) and quadruple (group of four beats) are the most common meters.
Division of the beat
The durations we hear in a musical passage that are shorter than the beat.
Simple beat
A type of beat that can be divided into two equal parts. Not to be confused with simple meter which refers to how a measure is divided.)
Compound beat
A beat that can be divided into three equal parts. Not to be confused with compound meter which refers to how a measure is divided.
Simple time signature
A time signature with 2, 3, or 4 as the top number. See p. 32-33 for a table of some typical simple time signatures.
Compound time signature
A time signature with a 6, 9, or 12 as the top number, indicating the number of divisions of the beat contained in a measure and what the division duration is. The top number 6 would mean two beats times three divisions (2 X 3 = 6); 9, three beats times three divisions (3 X 3 = 9); 12, four beats times three divisions (4 X 3 = 12). See p. 35 for a table of some compund time signatures.

Examples: Simple Beat and Time Signatures | Compound Beat and Time Signatures
