Long Island University Long Island University



The Faculty of the Department of Earth and Environmental Science

Patrick J. Kennelly
Professor of Geography
LIU Post

Patrick Kennelly


I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in geographic information systems (GIS), as well as introductory courses in Earth science. The graduate GIS courses are an integral part of our blended (half online and half classroom instruction) Environmental Sustainability master's degree program and our online Mobile GIS Applications Development certificate program. I also teach some undergraduate and graduate classes in cartography and geology, as needed by our students. My teaching includes:

GIS       501           Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (ONLINE)

ERS       514           The Earth Environment 2

ERS       502           GIS Applications (BLENDED)

ERS       501           Mapping Environmental Data with GIS (BLENDED)

GGR      330           Honors Imaginative Mapping

GGR      017           Introduction to GIS

GLY       013           Structural Geology

ERS       002           Earth Science 2


My current research is focused in two areas. The first is terrain and subsurface visualization, imaging, and analysis. The second is the use of GIS in geologic, environmental and spatial analyses.


Neidich-Ryder, C. and P Kennelly. Mapping Prairie Remnants of the Hempstead Plains, Long Island, New York. Accepted by the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.

Kennelly, P. and J. Stewart. 2013. General Sky Models for Illuminating Terrains. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 28(2): 383-406.

Kennelly, P. 2013. Relating GIS&T and Project Management Bodies of Knowledge to Projects Perceived as Successes. The URISA Journal 25(1): 5-17.

Kennelly, P.2012. Cross-hatched Shadow Line Maps. The Cartographic Journal 49(2): 135-142.

Kennelly, P. 2011. Landscape Volumetrics and Visualizations of the Butte Mining District, Montana. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience XVII(3): 213-226.

Stewart, J. and P. Kennelly. 2010. Illuminated Choropleth Maps. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 100(3): 513-534.

Takeuchi, K.* and P. Kennelly. 2010. iSeismometer: A Geoscientific iPhone Application. Computers and Geosciences. 36 :573-575.

Gammons C.H., T. E. Duaime, S.R. Parker, S.R. Poulson, and P. Kennelly. 2010.Geochemistry and stable isotope investigation of acid mine drainage associated with abandoned coal mines in central Montana, USA. Chemical Geology. 269: 100-112.

Kennelly, P. 2009. An Online Social Networking Approach to Reinforce Learning of Rocks and Minerals. Journal of Geoscience Education. 57(1): 33-40.

Kennelly, P. 2008. Terrain Maps Displaying Hill-shading with Curvature. Geomorphology. 102: 567-577.

* denotes student


Takeuchi, K. * and P. Kennelly. 2010. Creating Mapping Applications for the iPhone. Cartographic Perspectives. No. 66: 41-54.

Kennelly, P. 2007. Not Mapping our World: Visualizing Nongeographic Information in GIS.  ArcUser. 10(3) 68-69.

Gross, S.* and P. Kennelly. 2005. Virtual Campus 101: A Primer for Creating 3-D Models in ArcScene. ArcUser. 8(2) 26-29.

* denotes student


I am committed to assisting with numerous efforts to advance research in cartography, support the GIS labor force, and ensure the quality of online learning.

Editor of Cartographic Perspectives, a peer-reviewed journal of the North American Cartographic Information Society  (1/11 – Present)

Editorial Board of The Cartographic Journal, published by the British Cartographic Society (9/09 – Present).

Editorial Board (Cartographic Editor) ofThe Journal of Maps (10/09 – Present)

Co-organizer, URISA initiative to develop a Geospatial Management Competency Model for the US Department of Labor (2/11 – 10/12)

Peer-reviewer for State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce) (2009)

Steering Committee and Committee Member – Web Learning Project at LIU (6/09 – Present)


full cv


For further information write, call, fax, or e-mail:
Patrick Kennelly

Professor of Geography

Department of Earth and Environmental Science

LIU Post

720 Northern Blvd.

Brookville, NY 11548

(516) 299-2652 (Office)

(516) 299-2318 (Dept. Office)

(516) 299-3945 (Fax)

Patrick.Kennelly < a t > liu.edu