Latest news:

- Dec. 28, 2009
Remember, as discussed in class, our last class will be on Jan. 12, not Jan. 8 as stated on your schedule

- Dec 30, 2009
We are going to move the 1st quiz from Jan. 5 to Jan. 6 to give us more time to prepare

More info:

You can find me online most nights if you have any questions. I'm jdmeschi on YIM and AIM. My email address is

An easy way to chat with me online is to use the Meebo chat link on my home page. It's under the small picture on the right side. There's a link to the page below.


- My Website
- WebCT
- Dept. of Music

Looking at Form

Some examples of Form Analysis
(All require Flash which you can get here)

We will practice Form Analysis through the rest of the course.