$CIMINP group           (required when CIMTYP is not                            
     This group controls a CIM calculation of the type                          
specified by CIMTYP in $CONTRL.  The $CIMINP input                              
variables can be divided into a few categories:                                 
   *** The variable required by all CIM runs ***                                
SUBMTD = assigns the default method for each CIM subsystem.                     
         In single-level CIM calculations, SUBMTD applies                       
         to all CIM subsystems and no further information                       
         about quantum-chemistry methods used in subsystem                      
         calculations is needed. In order to run a                              
         multi-level CIM calculation (CIMTYP=SECIM or                           
         GSECIM only), information about subsystems treated                     
         with methods other than SUBMTD must be provided in                     
         $CIMATM (CIMTYP=SECIM) or $CIMFRG (CIMTYP=GSECIM).                     
         The allowed values of SUBMTD are:                                      
       = NONE or HF means no post-HF calculation will be                        
         performed. In this case, information about methods                     
         used in subsystem calculations must be provided in                     
         $CIMATM (CIMTYP=SECIM) or $CIMFRG (CIMTYP=GSECIM)                      
         and at least one atom in $CIMATM or at least one                       
         group of atoms in $CIMFRG must be treated by the                       
         allowed post-HF approach.                                              
       = MP2 means an MP2 subsystem calculation (SCFTYP=RHF                     
       = CCD means a CCD subsystem calculation (SCFTYP=RHF                      
       = CCSD means a CCSD subsystem calculation.                               
       = CCSD(T) means a CCSD(T) subsystem calculation                          
         (SCFTYP=RHF only).                                                     
       = CR-CCL means a CR-CC(2,3) subsystem calculation.                       
Note: There is no default for SUBMTD; the user must specify                     
one of the above values.                                                        
   The remaining $CIMINP input variables are optional.                          
      *** the details of CIM subsystem design ***                               
ZETA   = threshold for assigning environment orbitals to                        
         central occupied LMOs in the SECIM/GSECIM                              
         algorithm (CIMTYP=SECIM or GSECIM only).                               
ZETA1  = threshold for assigning primary environment                            
         orbitals to central occupied LMOs in the DECIM                         
         algorithm (CIMTYP=DECIM only). Default=0.01.                           
ZETA2  = threshold for assigning secondary environment                          
         orbitals to irreducible central domains in the                         
         DECIM algorithm (CIMTYP=DECIM only). Default=0.05.                     
ATMMLK = the Mulliken population cutoff for assigning                           
         central LMO(s) to each non-hydrogen atom and its                       
         adjacent hydrogen atom(s) (the SECIM case) or                          
         to the user-specified set of two or more                               
         non-hydrogen atoms and hydrogen atoms bounded to                       
         those atoms provided in $CIMFRG (the GSECIM case)                      
         in initial steps of the SECIM/GSECIM algorithm.                        
         The same parameter is also used to assign AO                           
         domains to occupied LMOs of extended subsystems                        
         within the SECIM/GSECIM methodology (CIMTYP=SECIM                      
         or GSECIM only). Default=0.15.                                         
BUFDST = cutoff distance (in Angstrom) for buffer atoms                         
         included in extended subsystems. Default=4.0.                          
MRGSUB = determine whether or not to incorporate smaller                        
         subsystems into larger ones if the former are                          
         completely embedded in the latter.                                     
       = 0  do not incorporate smaller subsystems into                          
            larger ones, i.e., retain all subsystems                            
            resulting from the initial steps of the CIM                         
            algorithms without eliminating redundancies.                        
       = 1  incorporate smaller subsystems into larger ones                     
            if the methods used for smaller subsystems and                      
            larger ones that contain them are identical or                      
            if the method used for a given smaller                              
            subsystem is a lower-level approach compared to                     
            the method used for the larger subsystem that                       
            contains it. Otherwise, i.e., if the method                         
            used for a given smaller subsystem is a                             
            higher-level approach compared to the method                        
            used for the larger subsystem, retain the                           
            smaller subsystem and the method used for it                        
            without embedding it into the larger one. The                       
            ordering of theory levels from low to high                          
            level is MP2

generated on 7/7/2017