$CPHF group     (relevant for analytic RUNTYP=HESSIAN)                          
    This group controls the solution of the response                            
equations, also known as coupled Hartree-Fock (CPHF).                           
POLAR = a flag to request computation of the static                             
        polarizability, alpha.  Because this property                           
        needs 3 additional response vectors, beyond those                       
        needed for the hessian, the default is to skip the                      
        property.  (default = .FALSE.)                                          
CPHF   = nature of integrals driving the formation of the                       
         response equation.  The defaults are intelligent,                      
         so this is meant mostly for experts/debugging.                         
       = AO    forms response equations from AO integrals,                      
               which usually takes less memory, and is more                     
               parallel.  This is the default for RHF, UHF,                     
               ROHF, R-DFT, or U-DFT.  AO-driven mode is                        
               not available for any other cases.                               
       = MO    forms response equations from transformed                        
               MO integrals.  This is the default for GVB                       
               or MCSCF.  This is available forRHF or ROHF.                     
       = AODDI forms response equations from AO integrals,                      
               using distributed memory (see MEMDDI).  This                     
               does AO integrals about 2x more than AO,                         
               but spreads the CPHF memory requirement out                      
               across multiple nodes.  Coded only for RHF.                      
SOLVER = linear equation solver choice.  This is primarily                      
         a debugging option.  For RHF analytic Hessians,                        
         choose from CONJG (default), DIIS, ONDISK, not all                     
         of which will work for all CPHF= choices.                              
         For imaginary frequency dependent polarizability                       
         responses (MAKEFP jobs), choose GMRES (default),                       
         biconjugate gradient stabilized BCGST, DODIIS, or                      
         an explicit solver GAUSS.  Most response equations                     
         have only one solver programmed, and thus ignore                       
         this keyword.                                                          
NWORD  = controls memory usage for this step.  The default                      
         uses all available memory.  (default=0)                                

generated on 7/7/2017