$EFPARM group                                (optional, experimental)           
This group is designed to set additional parameters affecting EFP calculation.  
As of now, it contains the following keys:                                      
CTCUT is an array of floating-point values setting the cutoff radii             
      for each pair of EFP fragment types, interpreted as a                     
      lower-triangular column-major matrix. Nonnegative value sets a            
      cutoff in Bohr units, irrespective of the value of UNITS in               
      $CONTRL group. Negative value is interpreted as "no cutoff" (or           
      "infinite cutoff").                                                       
      Currently, gradients are not available for the EFP-with-cutoffs.          
        Suppose, the EFP system contains 8 fragments: first 3 of type           
        AAA, then 2 of type BBB, then 3 of type CCC. Then the input is          
        interpreted this way:                                                   
        where III-JJJ is a cutoff radius between fragments of type III          
        and JJJ.                                                                
      End of example.                                                           
$FRAGNAME group                                                                 
            (required for each FRAGNAME given in $EFRAG)                        
   This group gives all pertinent information for a given                       
Effective Fragment Potential (EFP).  This information falls                     
into three categories, with the first two shared by the                         
EFP1 and EFP2 models:                                                           
     electrostatics (distributed multipoles, screening)                         
     polarizability (distributed dipole polarizabilities)                       
The EFP1 model contains one final term,                                         
     fitted exchange repulsion                                                  
whereas the EFP2 model contains a collection of terms,                          
     exchange repulsion, dispersion, charge transfer...                         
An Effective Fragment Potential is input using several                          
different subgroups.  Each subgroup is specified by a                           
particular name, and is terminated by the word STOP.  You                       
may omit any of the subgroups to omit that term from the                        
EFP.  All values are given in atomic units.                                     
To input monopoles,             follow input sequence -EM-                      
To input dipoles,               follow input sequence -ED-                      
To input quadrupoles,           follow input sequence -EQ-                      
To input octopoles,             follow input sequence -EO-                      
To input electrostatic screening,   follow input seq. -ES-                      
To input polarizable points,    follow input sequence -P-                       
To input polarizability screening,  follow input seq. -PS-                      
To input fitted "repulsion",    follow input sequence -R-                       
To input Pauli exchange,        follow input sequence -PE-                      
To input dispersion,            follow input sequence -D-                       
To input charge transfer,       follow input sequence -CT-                      
The data contained in a $FRAGNAME is normally generated by                      
performing a RUNTYP=MAKEFP using a normal $DATA's ab initio                     
computation on the desired solvent molecule.  A MAKEFP run                      
will generate all terms for an EFP2 potential, including                        
multipole screening parameters.  The screening option is                        
controlled by $DAMP and $DAMPGS input, and by you checking                      
the final fitting parameters for reasonableness.                                
Note that the ability to fit the "repulsion" term in an                         
EFP1 potential is not included in GAMESS, meaning that EFP1                     
computations normally use built-in EFP1 water potentials.                       
-1-   a single descriptive title card                                           
-2-   COORDINATES                                                               
COORDINATES signals the start of the subgroup containing                        
the multipolar expansion terms (charges, dipoles, ...).                         
Optionally, one can also give the coordinates of the                            
polarizable points, or centers of exchange repulsion.                           
-3-   NAME, X, Y, Z, WEIGHT, ZNUC                                               
NAME    is a unique string identifying the point.                               
X, Y, Z are the Cartesian coordinates of the point, and                         
        must be in Bohr units.                                                  
WEIGHT, ZNUC are the atomic mass and nuclear charge, and                        
        should be given as zero only for points which are                       
        not nuclei.                                                             
In EFP1 potentials, the true nuclei will appear twice, once                     
for defining the positive nuclear charge and its screening,                     
and a second time for defining the electronic distributed                       
Repeat line -3- for each expansion point, and terminate                         
the list with a "STOP".                                                         
Note: the multipole expansion produced by RUNTYP=MAKEFP                         
comes from Stone's distributed multipole analysis (DMA).                        
An alternative expansion, from a density based multipole                        
expansion (DBME) performed on an adaptive grid is placed in                     
the job's PUNCH file.  This alternative multipole expansion                     
may be preferable if large basis sets are in use (the DMA                       
expansion is basis set sensitive).  The DBME values can be                      
inserted in place of the DMA values, for -EM-, -ED, -EQ-,                       
and -EO- sections, if you wish.  Experience suggests that                       
DBME multipoles are about as accurate as those obtained                         
using DMA.                                                                      
-EM1-  MONOPOLES                                                                
MONOPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing                          
the electronic and nuclear monopoles.                                           
-EM2-  NAME, CHARGE1, CHARGE2                                                   
NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.                          
CHARGE1 = electronic monopole at this point.                                    
CHARGE2 = nuclear monopole at this point.  Omit or enter                        
          zero if this is a bond midpoint or some other                         
          expansion point that is not a nucleus.                                
Repeat -EM2- to define all desired charges.                                     
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
-ED1-  DIPOLES                                                                  
DIPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing the                        
dipolar part of the multipolar expansion.                                       
-ED2-  NAME, MUX, MUY, MUZ                                                      
NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.                          
MUX, MUY, MUZ are the components of the electronic dipole.                      
Repeat -ED2- to define all desired dipoles.                                     
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
-EQ1-  QUADRUPOLES                                                              
QUADRUPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing                        
the quadrupolar part of the multipolar expansion.                               
-EQ2-  NAME, XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ                                             
NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.                          
XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, and YZ are the components of the                            
electronic quadrupole moment.                                                   
Repeat -EQ2- to define all desired quadrupoles.                                 
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
-EO1-  OCTUPOLES     (note: OCTOPOLES is misspelled)                            
OCTUPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing                          
the octupolar part of the multipolar expansion.                                 
-EO2-  NAME, XXX, YYY, ZZZ, XXY, XXZ,                                           
             XYY, YYZ, XZZ, YZZ, XYZ                                            
NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.                          
XXX, ...  are the components of the electronic octopole.                        
Repeat -EO2- to define all desired octopoles.                                   
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
-ES1a-  SCREEN                                                                  
SCREEN signals the start of the subgroup containing                             
Gaussian screening (A*exp[-B*r**2]) for the distributed                         
multipoles, which account for charge penetration effects.                       
SCREEN pertains to ab initio-EFP multipole interactions, in                     
contrast to the SCREENx groups defined just below for EFP-                      
EFP interactions.                                                               
-ES1b-  NAME, A, B                                                              
NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.                          
A, B are the parameters of the Gaussian screening term.                         
Repeat -ES1b- to define all desired screening points.                           
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
note: SCREENx input (any x) is only obeyed if ISCRELEC=0.                       
      SCREENx input will be ignored if ISCRELEC=1.                              
One (and only one) of the following groups should appear to                     
define the EFP-EFP multipole screening:                                         
-ES2a-  SCREEN1 or SCREEN2 or SCREEN3                                           
SCREEN1 signals the start of the subgroup containing                            
Gaussian screening (A*exp[-B*r**2]) for the distributed                         
multipoles, which account for charge-charge penetration                         
SCREEN2 signals the start of the subgroup containing                            
exponential screening (A*exp[-B*r]) for the distributed                         
multipoles, which account for charge-charge penetration                         
effects.  This is often the EFP-EFP screening of choice.                        
SCREEN3 signals the start of the subgroup containing the                        
screening terms (A*exp[-B*r]) for the distributed                               
multipoles, which account for high-order penetration                            
effects (higher terms means charge-charge, as for SCREEN1                       
or SCREEN2, but also charge-dipole, charge-quadrupole, and                      
dipole-dipole and dipole-quadrupole terms).                                     
-ES2b-  NAME, A, B                                                              
NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.                          
A, B are the parameters of the exponential screening term.                      
Repeat -ES2b- to define all desired screening points.                           
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
-P1-  POLARIZABLE POINTS                                                        
POLARIZABLE POINTS signals the start of the subgroup                            
containing the distributed dipole polarizability tensors,                       
and their coordinates.  This subgroup allows the                                
computation of the polarization energy.                                         
-P2-  NAME, X, Y, Z                                                             
NAME gives a unique identifier to the location of this                          
polarizability tensor.  It might match one of the points                        
already defined in the COORDINATES subgroup, but often does                     
not.  Typically the distributed polarizability tensors are                      
located at the centroids of localized MOs.                                      
X, Y, Z are the coordinates of the polarizability point.                        
They should be omitted if NAME did appear in COORDINATES.                       
The units are controlled by UNITS= in $CONTRL.                                  
-P3-  XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ, YX, ZX, ZY                                        
XX, ... are components of the distributed polarizability,                       
which is not a symmetric tensor.  XY means dMUx/dFy, where                      
MUx is a dipole component, and Fy is a component of an                          
applied field.                                                                  
Repeat -P2- and -P3- to define all desired polarizability                       
tensors, and terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                             
-PS1-  POLSCR                                                                   
This section must not be given if ISCRPOL=1.  If not given,                     
when ISCRPOL=0, no polarization screening is performed.                         
POLSCR signals the start of the subgroup containing the                         
screening (by exp[-B*r]) for the induced dipoles.  It                           
pertains only to EFP-EFP interactions.  It requires that                        
you be using SCREEN3 damping of the multipole-multipole                         
interactions!  It applies to charge/induced dipole,                             
dipole/induced dipole, quadrupole/induced dipole, and                           
induced dipole/induced dipole terms.                                            
-PS2-  NAME, B                                                                  
NAME must match one of the distributed dipole points given                      
in the POLARIZABLE subgroup.                                                    
B is the exponent of the exponential screening term, and a                      
typical value is about 1.5.                                                     
Repeat -PS2- to define all desired screening points.                            
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
FORCE POINT                                                                     
This section controls coarse graining of the gradient, if                       
FRCPNT is selected in $EFRAG.  The input consists of the                        
coordinates of the desired points:                                              
   COM x  y  z                                                                  
   FP1 x  y  z                                                                  
   FP2 x  y  x                                                                  
where x,y,z are the coordinates of center of mass (COM) and                     
also any desired "force points" FP1, FP2, ...                                   
Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                                          
                      EFP1 versus EFP2                                          
The EFP1 model consists of a fitted potential, which is a                       
remainder term, after taking care of electrostatics and                         
polarization with the input described above.  The fitted                        
term is called a "repulsive potential" because its largest                      
contribution stems from Pauli exchange repulsion.  The fit                      
actually contains several other interactions, since it is                       
just a fit to the total interaction potential's remainder                       
after subtracting the elecrostatic and polarization                             
The EFP2 model uses analytic representations for exchange                       
repulsion and other terms, and these are documented after                       
the EFP1's "repulsive potential".                                               
-R1-  REPULSIVE POTENTIAL                                                       
See also the $FRGRPL input group, which defines the fit for                     
the EFP1-EFP1 repulsion term.                                                   
REPULSIVE POTENTIAL signals the start of the subgroup                           
containing the fitted exchange repulsion potential, for the                     
interaction between the fragment and the ab initio part of                      
the system.  This term also accounts, in part, for other                        
effects, since it is a fit to a remainder.  The fitted                          
potential has the form                                                          
      sum   C * exp[-D  * r**2]                                                 
       i     i        i                                                         
-R2-  NAME, X, Y, Z, N                                                          
NAME may match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup, but                       
need not.  If NAME does not match one of the known points,                      
you must give its coordinates X, Y, and Z, otherwise omit                       
these three values.  N is the total number of terms in the                      
fitted repulsive potential.                                                     
-R3-  C, D                                                                      
These two values define the i-th term in the repulsive                          
potential.  Repeat line -R3- for all N terms.                                   
Repeat -R2- and -R3- to define all desired repulsive                            
potentials,  and terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".                         
The following terms are part of the developing EFP2 model.                      
This model replaces the "kitchen sink" fitted repulsion in                      
the EFP1 model by analytic formulae.  These formulae are to                     
be specific for each kind of physical interaction, and to                       
pertain to any solvent, not just water.  The terms which                        
are programmed so far are given below.                                          
-PE1-  PROJECTION BASIS SET                                                     
-PE2-  PROJECTION WAVEFUNCTION n m                                              
-PE3-  FOCK MATRIX ELEMENTS                                                     
-PE4-  LMO CENTROIDS                                                            
These four sections contain the data needed to compute the                      
Pauli exchange repulsion, namely                                                
  1. the original basis set used to extract the potential.                      
  2. the localized orbitals, expanded in that basis.                            
  3. the Fock matrix, in the localized orbital basis.                           
  4. the coordinates of the center of each localized orb.                       
The information generated by a MAKEFP that follows these                        
four strings is largely self explanatory.  Note, however,                       
that the orbitals (PE2) must have two integers giving the                       
number of occupied orbitals -n- and the size of the basis                       
set -m-.  The PE2 and PE3 subsections do not contain STOP                       
-D1-  DYNAMIC POLARIZABLE POINTS                                                
DYNAMIC POLARIZABLE POINTS signals the start of the                             
subgroup containing the distributed imaginary frequency                         
dipole polarizability tensors, and their coordinates.  This                     
information permits the computation of dispersion energies.                     
-D2-  NAME, X, Y, Z                                                             
NAME gives a unique identifier to the location of this                          
polarizability tensor.  It might match one of the points                        
already defined in the COORDINATES subgroup, but often does                     
not.  Typically the distributed polarizability tensors are                      
located at the centroids of localized MOs.                                      
X, Y, Z are the coordinates of the polarizability point.                        
They should be omitted if NAME did appear in COORDINATES.                       
The units are controlled by UNITS= in $CONTRL.                                  
-D3-  XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ, YX, ZX, ZY                                        
XX, ... are components of the distributed polarizability,                       
which is not a symmetric tensor.  XY means dMUx/dFy, where                      
MUx is a dipole component, and Fy is a component of an                          
applied field.                                                                  
Repeat -D2- and -D3- to define all desired polarizability                       
tensors, and then repeat for all desired imaginary                              
frequencies.  MAKEFP jobs use 12 imaginary frequencies at                       
certain internally stored values, to enable quadrature of                       
these tensors, to form the C6 dispersion coefficient.  Thus                     
D2 and D3 input is repeated 12 times.  Terminate this                           
subgroup with a "STOP".                                                         
-QD2- data similar to -D2- above                                                
-QD3- data similar to -D3- above                                                
These data are used for the 7th power dispersion formula,                       
and are already in the right format from a MAKEFP run.  See                     
also NODISP7 above, to skip its use.                                            
-CT1- CTVEC n m                                                                 
-CT2- CTFOK                                                                     
These two sections contain the data needed to compute the                       
charge transfer energy, namely                                                  
  1. the canonical occupied orbitals, followed by either                        
valence virtuals or canonical virtuals, depending on                            
CTVVO's setting during the MAKEFP run.  These MOs are                           
expanded in the -PE1- basis.                                                    
  2. the occupied orbitals' eigenvalues.                                        
The information generated by a MAKEFP that follows these                        
two strings is largely self explanatory.  The MO and AO                         
sizes given by -n- and -m- have the same meaning as for the                     
-PE2- group.  The CTVEC info does not have a STOP line, but                     
CTFOK does.                                                                     
The EFP2 model presently can generate the energy for a                          
system with an ab initio molecule and EFP2 solvents, if                         
only Pauli exchange repulsion is used.  The AI-EFP gradient                     
for this term is not yet programmed, nor are there AI-EFP                       
codes for dispersion or charge transfer.  Thus use of the                       
EFP2 model, for all practical purposes, is limited to EFP-                      
EFP interactions only, via COORD=FRAGONLY.                                      

generated on 7/7/2017