$SUBCOR group                                                                   
    These groups specify the central and buffer regions                         
when SUBTYP=CARD or BUFTYP=CARD in $DANDC. $SUBSCF is used                      
for DC SCF and $SUBCOR is for DC-MP2/CC. If BUFTYP is not                       
CARD, only central region is specified by these groups.                         
They consist of free format integer numbers of which the                        
style is like this:                                                             
! SUBSYSTEM     1                                                               
  1  3 -5  0                                                                    
  2  6 -8  0 0                                                                  
! SUBSYSTEM     2                                                               
  2  6 -9 11  0                                                                 
  1  3  4  10  12 -14 0 0                                                       
! SUBSYSTEM     3                                                               
Lines starting with ! are comments neglected when reading.                      
First, atoms in the central region of subsystem 1 is                            
specified according to the (b) style of LBSUBS in $DANDC.                       
A single 0 separates the central and buffer region of the                       
same subsystem. Then, specify atoms in the buffer region of                     
subsystem 1.  A double 0 separates subsystems. These are                        
iterated until all subsystems are specified.                                    
    In the above case, the subsystems are the followings:                       
Subsystem 1 central: 1,3,4,5                                                    
            buffer : 2,6,7,8                                                    
Subsystem 2 central: 2,6,7,8,9,11                                               
            buffer : 1,3,4,10,12,13,14                                          

generated on 7/7/2017