! EXAM04. ! 1-A-1 CH2 TCSCF calculation on methylene. ! The wavefunction has two configurations, exciting ! the carbon sigma lone pair into the out of plane p. ! ! Note that the Z-matrix used to input the molecule ! can include identifying integers after the element ! symbol, and that the connectivity can then be given ! using these labels rather than integers. ! ! This job tests the GVB wavefunction and gradient. ! ! The initial GVB-PP(1) energy is -37.187342653. ! The FINAL energy is -37.2562020559 after 10 iters. ! The GVB CI coefs are 0.977505 and -0.210911, giving ! a pair overlap of 0.64506. ! Mulliken, Lowdin charges for C are 0.020810, 0.055203. ! The dipole moment is 1.249835. ! The RMS gradient = 0.019618475. ! $CONTRL SCFTYP=GVB RUNTYP=GRADIENT COORD=ZMT $END $SYSTEM TIMLIM=1 $END $BASIS GBASIS=STO NGAUSS=2 $END $SCF NCO=3 NSETO=0 NPAIR=1 $END $DATA Methylene...1-A-1 state...GVB...one geminal pair...STO-2G Cnv 2 C1 H1 C1 rCH H2 C1 rCH H1 aHCH rCH=1.09 aHCH=99.0 $END ! normally a GVB-PP calculation will use GUESS=MOREAD $GUESS GUESS=HUCKEL $END