! EXAM24. ! Self-consistent reaction field test, of water in water. ! Cavity radius is calculated from the 1.00 g/cm**3 density. ! FINAL energy is -74.9666740766 after 12 iterations ! Induced dipole= -0.03663, RMS gradient= 0.033467686 ! $contrl scftyp=rhf runtyp=gradient coord=zmt $end $system timlim=1 $end $basis gbasis=sto ngauss=3 $end $guess guess=huckel $end $scrf radius=1.93 dielec=80.0 $end $data water in water, arbitrary geometry Cnv 2 O H 1 rOH H 1 rOH 2 aHOH rOH = 0.95 aHOH = 104.5 $end