! EXAM26 ! Localized orbital test...J.Phys.Chem. 1984, 88, 382-389 ! ! FINAL Energy= -415.2660357291 in 10 iters ! ! If you localize only the valence orbitals, by commenting ! out the $LOCAL group below, the ! Boys localization sum is 204.693589 ! Ruedenberg localization sum is 5.081667 ! population localization sum is 4.610528 ! ! The SCF localized charge decomposition forces all orbitals ! to be localized, so the final diagonal sum is 28.389125. ! The nuclear charge assigned to the oxygen "lone pairs" is ! redistributed so that the total nuclear P and O charges are ! correct. The energies computed for the PO bond, PH bonds, ! and O lone pairs are -37.273022, -27.364212, -26.363865. ! The corresponding dipoles are 2.041, 3.484, and 3.465. ! ! To analyze the MP2 valence contributions, select MPLEVL=2, ! and turn EDCOMP and DIPDCM off. The results should be ! E(MP2)=-415.4952200908, and the contribution of the PO bond, ! PH bonds, and O lone pairs to the correlation energy are ! -0.0442096, -0.0237793, and -0.0378790, respectively. ! $contrl scftyp=rhf runtyp=energy local=ruednbrg mplevl=0 $end $system timlim=1 $end $mp2 lmomp2=.true. code=serial $end $local edcomp=.true. moidon=.true. dipdcm=.true. ijmo(1)= 1,11, 2,11, 1,12, 2,12, 1,13, 2,13 zij(1)=1.666666667,0.333333333,1.6666666667,0.333333333, 1.666666667,0.333333333 moij(1)= 2,1, 2,1, 2,1 nmoij(11)=2,2,2 $end $basis gbasis=n21 ngauss=3 ndfunc=1 $end $data phosphine oxide...3-21G* basis...localized orbital test Cnv 3 P 15.0 O 8.0 0.0000000000 0.0 1.4701 H 1.0 1.2335928631 0.0 -0.6421021244 $end