Case Study Essay for EDL 631

To help you prepare for the New York State leadership certification assessment exams and also to provide outcomes assessment information for our academic programs, the faculty of the Department of Educational Leadership and Administration has directed that each of our courses include a short essay assignment similar to the essay tasks included in the state assessment exams. 

This assignment is based on the format and grading rubric of the state assessment exams that you will need to pass in order to obtain certification in school leadership or school business.  It is designed to provide you with feedback and practice for the state assessment exams.

The Case Study Essay Assignment for Core II involves:  (1) reading a brief case study related to the need to balance average class sizes with pressures to keep school tax levies at reasonable levels acceptable to the community; (2) reviewing a US Department of Education summary of empirical research on the effects of class size on academic performance; (3) and preparing a 550-600 word (about two double-spaced pages) essay providing your assessment of the issue described in the case and offering your informed opinion (based on evidence from published research) and your professional advice about the feasibility of achieving budget savings in the District by increasing average class size.

The case study and essay instructions are available in downloadable pdf format here, and the USDOE research summary is available online here (or in downloadable pdf format here).

Please complete this required assignment and submit it via email as a Microsoft Word attachment to me at no later than 6:00 pm, Tuesday, December 14.  (Class will not meet that day, but the assignment is due then.)

Your performance on this required essay assignment will be included in your class participation grade for the course.