Microeconomic Analysis
ECO 61 Section 1 Fall 2008
Mondays and Wednesdays 11:00 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Instructor: Udayan Roy
Description | Textbook | Outline | Examinations and Grading | WebCT | Attendance Policy | Contact Information | Office Hours | Web Sites
Course’s Description: This course covers the theory of cost, demand, price, market structures and factor payments with special emphasis on firm economics. Prerequisite: ECO 12. Fall, 3 credits (From the Undergraduate Bulletin 2008–10.)
Microeconomics, First Edition, by B. Douglas Bernheim and Michael D.
Whinston, 2008, ISBN: 9780072900279,
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, New York.
A copy of the textbook is on reserve at the library’s circulation desk.
Also, please see
of which is password protected—for helpful online learning resources.
Chapters to be Covered: As only about 35 hours of lectures—34 hours and 40 minutes to be precise—have been scheduled for this course, I do not expect to cover all 21 chapters. (See the Table of Contents.) However, I would definitely like to cover chapters 1–13, and 21.
Examinations and Grading: The Midterm will be held on Monday, October 27. The Final will be held during Finals Week (on either December 17 or December 22). Apart from the Midterm and the Final, several pre-announced short quizzes and homework assignments will be given throughout the semester.
In preparing the course grade I will use the following weights: 30% for the Final, 30% for the Midterm, 20% for the quizzes, and 20% for a few homework assignments.
Homework Assignments on WebCT: This has not been decided yet. But, the homework assignments may consist of computer-graded online quizzes within the WebCT course management system. You will have to log on at http://webct-fe.liu.edu and then go to the WebCT page for this course to find and complete the online homework assignments. To log on at http://webct-fe.liu.edu, use the firstname.lastname format as your username. Your password should be the same password you use to access our Student Information Systems (SIS).
If you do not have an SIS password, please go to http://www.liu.edu/it/cwpost/studentlogin.html for further instructions. (By the way, this page also has links to documents that explain how to use WebCT.) If you are still unable to log on to WebCT, please contact the Office of Information Technology. You could email them at webct@cwpost.liu.edu or call them at 516 299 2281 or go to their offices on the main floor of the Library building.
Absences | BPG |
6 | B+ |
8 | B |
10 | B- |
12 | C+ |
14 or more | D |
Attendance Policy: The best possible grade (BPG) that you could get will depend on the number of your absences. See the accompanying table for details. You will be marked absent if you are late for a lecture by ten minutes or more or if you leave early or if you are not attentive in class.
No make-up tests will be given for the Midterm or the Final unless there are compelling medical reasons supported by a valid doctor's note. In case you cannot take a test at the scheduled time, you (or someone representing you) must inform me of the reason(s) not later than twenty-four hours after the test. Ideally, I should be told before the test. The reason(s) you give for missing a test will affect my decision on whether or not you should get a make-up test but it will not affect your BPG. No make-ups will be given for the quizzes. Assignments completed late will not count.
Contact Information: My office is at Room 206, Hoxie Hall (across from the Bookstore). My office phone number is (516) 299 2405/2321. My e-mail address is uroy@liu.edu. My own Web site is at http://myweb.liu.edu/~uroy/. My mailing address is: Udayan Roy, Economics Department, Long Island University, Brookville, NY 11548.
Office Hours: My office hours are: 11:00 a.m.–12.15 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays and 4.00 p.m.–5.30 p.m. on Mondays. For any other hours, an appointment will have to be made. Please stop by whenever you need any help with your coursework.
Web Sites: This course's Web site is at http://myweb.liu.edu/~uroy/eco61/.
Have a great semester!