This page is a follow-up to the workshop we had in the Tech Lab last Friday. I enjoyed the session and I hope you got something out of it [JM].

Music Technology Competencies

Here's the list of music technology competencies (PDF file) I mentioned . See where you're at now in your technology knowledge. The list was developed by TI:ME (Technology Institute for Music Educators).

Five types of music software

This list is taken from Tips: Technology for Music Educators. Compiled by Charles G. Brody. MENC, Reston, VA; 1990. Most good eductional software falls under multiple categories. For example, a tutorial program about notation probably contains quizzes (or games) for assessment. Music Ace, for example.

  1. Drill and Practice
  2. Tutorial
  3. Games
  4. Composing/Printing
  5. Testing

Music Ace Information

Music Ace is published by Harmonic Vision. Find out more at their Web site

Super Duper Music Looper and ACID information

ACID was one of the first loop-based composition programs. By making it easy to incorporate loops into the music-making process, the program has greatly influenced how people use computers to write music. Today, most music creation programs have some kind of loop-based compostion support.

Super Duper Music Looper is a modified version of ACID, designed for ages 6 to 9 for use and home or at school.

Both programs were originally published by a company called Sonic Foundry and are now published by Sony

Here's more about Super Duper Music Looper and more about ACID

The program you used in the lab was ACID XPress - a free "demo" version of ACID.. Here's when you can get ACID XPress. By the way, if you have a MAC, you should look at Garage Band which is part of ILife. It started out very similar to ACID, but the latest version has new features which include recording podcasts.

Also, check out ACIDPlanet to listen to what others are doing with the program

If you download ACID XPress to use on your computer, use this search to find free Acid loops to download

Album coverThe music created in ACID during the session

Here's the music that was created during the workshop. I didn't list any creator names, but I did include titles if one was included with your file.

I'm calling the album, "Coffee and Donuts... and ACID." (Okay, okay, one more Acid joke...)

Technical Notes

Except for some mastering effects and one or two fade-out endings, the music is presented as it was submitted.

Steven (who gave you the preview of Music Ace) took the "album" cover photo. He was going to take another one, but... uh... someone ate the donuts... (I have no idea who it was... Honest....)

Great work -- and after only 20 minutes working with the program!!!

There really is a CD by the way. If you were in the workshop and want one, come see me.

For those unfamiliar with ACID

If you weren't at the workshop and you're not familiar with ACID... in the program, you create a part or track by combining small recordings or "loops" of music. For example, a loop of 2 measures of drums could be repeated 4 times to create 8 measures.

A screenshot of an ACID project should give you a good idea how the process works.

One last piece of vital information

Coffee and Donuts by Dunkin' Donuts (No, I won't put up a link)

Again.. good workshop! [JM]

Oh... as promised... here's the Vocal Jazz ACID track I did for last year's Technology in Music Education class. If I remember correctly, someone said you guys would use it for something. Come see me for the CD-quality version.