The following modifications have been made due to Hurricane Sandy.
Instructor: Dr. Corbett Redden. Life Sciences 243. David.Redden [att] Phone 516-299-3487.
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 12:30p - 2:00p (or by appointment)
Course webpage:
Test 2 Review
Test 3 Review
Test 4 Review
Test 5 Review
Textbook: College Algebra & Trigonometry by Michael Levitan, Bernard Kolman, and Arnold Shapiro. BVT Publishing, 6th edition (2011).
Class Times: Section 1: MW 9:30a - 10:50a, F 9:30a - 10:25a. Humanities 125.
Section 4: MW 11:00a - 12:20p, F 11:00a - 11:55a. Humanities 226.
Grading Scheme:
Biweekly Tests | 40% |
Final Exam | 40% |
Quizzes/Attendance | 20% |
Quizzes: There will be a short quiz at the beginning of most lectures. You will receive some credit for having simply attended the class. The 4 lowest scores will be dropped, there will be no make-up quizzes, and the quiz scores comprise 20% of your final grade.
Tests: There will be 5 tests (originally 6), and they will take place in class approximately every other Friday. The exact times will be announced in class, on the course webpage, and via email. The lowest 2 scores will be dropped, there will be no make-up tests, and the scores comprise 40% of your final grade.
Homework: Homework will be assigned each class. It is essential to your understanding that you work hard on them on a day-to-day basis. The homework will not be collected, but the homework problems (sometimes the exact same problem, sometimes a minor variation) will appear on the quizzes and tests.
Calculator: A graphing calculator, preferably the TI-83 or TI-84, is required for this course.
Course Outline:
Description from Catalog: A pre-calculus course providing a unified treatment of functions of algebra and trigonometry. Cannot be taken for credit by any student who has completed or is currently taking MTH 4, 4S, 6, 7 or 8. This restriction applies to also to MTH 3S. Not open to students who have taken MTH 4, 4S, 5, 6, 7, 8. Credits: 4.
Help: Help is available from a number of places and people. You are welcome to see Prof. Redden before/after class, in office hours, by appointment, or ask short questions via email. Also, there is free tutoring available is the Math-Lab, located in LS 271. No appointment is necessary. Finally, you are encouraged to work with others on homework. Explaining concepts and techniques to fellow classmates is an excellent way for you to better understand them yourself.