Math 511: Set Theory

Fall 2017, LIU Post

Instructor: Dr. Corbett Redden. Life Sciences 237. Corbett [dot] Redden [att] liu [dot] edu. Phone 516-299-3487.

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 3:30p - 4:45p or by appointment

Course webpage:

Homework Schedule

Textbook: How to Prove It: A Structured Approach by Daniel J. Velleman. Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition, 2006.

Class Meeting: Wednesday 5:00p - 7:40p. Humanities 128.

Grading Scheme:
Tests 40%
Homework/Participation   30%
Final Exam 30%

Tests: There will be approximately 3 in-class tests, and they will be announced at least two weeks in advance. The first test will be Wed 9/27. The test average comprises 40% of your final grade.

Homework/Participation: Homework will be assigned each class, and I will check it at the beginning of the next week's class. A score will be assigned based upon the perceived effort and correctness of your homework, together with your participation/attendance for that week. The lowest two scores will be dropped, and the total score will comprise 30% of your grade.

Final Exam: At the end of the semester, there will be a final cumulative exam worth 30% of your grade. This will occur during the regularly scheduled class time on Monday, December 21.

Course Outline: The course will cover: the basics of mathematical logic and proofs, sets and set operations, functions, relations, and cardinality. In addition to learning general theory, a special emphasis will be placed on applications and specific examples.

Description from Catalog: This course covers sets, Cartesian products, relations, functions, binary operations, finite and infinite cardinal numbers and its application to the development of mathematical systems. (3 credits)

Important Dates:
Sept 19 Last day to add/drop or late register
Nov 10 Last day to opt for P/F or withdraw
Nov 22    Thanksgiving break. No class.
Dec 6Last regular Set Theory class
Dec 13Review/Makeup class
Dec 20 Final Exam