Linear Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences
MTH 5, Section 3

Fall 2017, LIU Post

Class Time: Monday and Wednesday 2:00 - 3:20p, Humanities 130.

Instructor: Dr. Corbett Redden. Corbett.Redden [att] Office: Life Sciences 237. Phone 516-299-3487.

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 3:30p - 4:45p, or by appointment.

Course webpage:


Textbook: Finite Mathematics and Brief Calculus by Geoffrey C. Berresford and Andrew M. Rockett.
The bookstore sells this as a Custom Edition looseleaf bundle. We will only use the Finite Mathematics portion, which is taken from Finite Mathematics (2nd ed) by Berresford/Rockett.

Grading Scheme:
Homework/Attendance   20%
Tests 50%
Final Exam 30%

Homework: In addition to time spent attending lectures, it is expected that you spend at least 6 hours per week working on this class. Homework will be assigned regularly in class, posted on the Homework page of the website, and will usually be due at the beginning of class on Wednesday. Please know that to understand the material, it is essential for you to work hard on these problems. Though you should complete all assigned homework problems, I will only collect and grade the starred (*) problems. Solutions to these problems should be written neatly and on a sheet separate from non-starred problems. Late homework will not be accepted. The lowest 2 homework scores will be dropped.

Tests: There will be approximately 4 in-class quizzes/tests. The first will be on Wed 9/27, and dates of future tests will be announced at least two weeks in advance. The lowest score will be dropped, and the remaining test scores will comprise 50% of your grade. There will be NO MAKE UP TESTS. You are allowed to use your calculator, but you can not use computer, mobile device, or any personal notes.

Final Exam: The final examination will be CUMULATIVE and will take place in the regular classroom during the final exam period on Monday, December 18 from 1:50p-4:30p. The final will comprise 30% of your course grade, though the instructor reserves the right to count the final as an even higher percentage for those students whose final exam grade is better than their test average.

Extra Credit: The way to compensate for poor test grades is to learn the material and do very well on the final exam (see the note in the previous paragraph "Final Exam").

Calculator: A graphing calculator, preferably the TI-83 or TI-84, is recommended for this course.

Course Description: Mathematical models for business, linear programming, matrix algebra and applications are covered. Prerequisite of Math 4 or 4S is required. Not open to students who have taken MTH 8, except for Business Administration, Accountancy, or Dual Accountancy Students. (3 credits)

Help: Help is available from a number of places and people. You are welcome to see Prof. Redden before/after class, in office hours, by appointment, or ask short questions via email. Also, there is free tutoring available in the Math-Lab, located in PH 201. No appointment is necessary. Finally, you are encouraged to work with others on homework. Explaining concepts and techniques to fellow classmates is an excellent way for you to better understand them yourself.

Important Dates:
Sept 6 First class
Sept 19    Last day to add/drop or late register
Oct 9 Columbus Day. No classes.
Nov 10 Last day to opt for P/F or withdraw
Nov 22 Thanksgiving break. No class.
Dec 11Last class
Dec 13Review/Makeup class
Dec 18   Final Exam