Linear Algebra I

MTH 615
Fall 2015
Department of Mathematics, LIU Post

Class Dates Material Homework Handouts
9/9 Linear systems p. 9: 1.18, 1.22a, 1.34
p. 73: 1, 3
Balance P4O10 + H20 -> H3PO4
Gauss--Jordan algorithm
Demonstration 1
Demonstration 2
9/16 Mathematica introduction
Vectors in R^n
p. 9: 1.18 (last time) - write solutions
as linear combinations plus
particular solution
p. 33: 3.21, 3.24
Mathematica Intro
.nb version
9/23 p. 35-42, p. 90-101 p. 21: 2.22*
p. 41: 1.4, 1.7*
p. 97: 2.22*, 2.27abc
*Draw graphs in Mathematica
Read p. 77-81
Graphing Notebook
9/30 Vector Spaces, Span p. 88: 1.28
p. 97: 2.23, 2.25*, 2.27ef, 2.29
*Answer question in Mathematica
10/7 Linear Independence
p. 101-116
p. 100: 2.43
p. 109: 1.22*, 1.23*, 1.28a
p. 117: 1.18, 1.21*
*Answer question in Mathematica
Symbolic Row Reduction
function for Mathematica
10/14 Basis, Coordinates p. 110: 1.24
p. 118: 1.20
Use Mathematica to show
{1, x, x^2, ..., x^30} lin indep as functions
The Table function
10/21 Linear maps p. 186: 1.19, 1.22, 1.25
p. 198: 2.21, 2.23, 2.40abc
(null space = kernel, and range space = image)
No Mathematica required (you are still allowed to use it)
10/28 No class    
11/4 Rank-Nullity p. 198: 2.22 (determine kernel and image), 2.25, 2.34
No Mathematica required
11/11 Matrix representation
of linear map
p. 210: 1.16, 1.18, 1.27
p. 218: 2.12, 2.16
Mathematica: see email
11/18 Matrix Inverse
Change of basis
p. 231: 2.19
p. 249: 4.15acd, 4.18, 4.29
p. 262: 2.12
No Mathematica required
Some notes
11/25 No class
12/2 Matrix Powers
Markov Chains
p. 304: 2, 3 (both with Mathematica) Mathematica notes, pdf
FYI: Manipulate ListPlot
12/9 Review Study for Final Exam
Extra credit assignment
Review sheet
Partial solutions
12/16 Final Exam