$AFOMOD group (relevant for FMO/AFO) This group allows user to define model systems for some detached bonds, especially useful if the automatic algorithm fails to build them. The group can have several models given consequently. An example for one model is: $AFOMOD 1 4 13 6.0 2.60639409 -1.41944144 0.87137460 9 8.0 0.86256622 -1.53249713 0.69963114 19 1.0 3.89530684 -3.08353483 0.30432753 8 1.0 0.40393212 0.22566831 -0.24641973 $END Here, 1 is the bond in $FMOBND (numbered consequently) to which the model is applied. 4 is the number of atoms in the model. In the data set, the first number (above, 13 etc) is the atomic number in $FMOXYZ, followed by atomic charge and Cartesian coordinates. New atoms such as hydrogen atoms added as caps should be assigned formal numbers of some heavy atoms present in the system, with the charge of 1.0 in $AFOMOD. These atoms will be identified as caps if the charges in $FMOMOD and $FMOXYZ differ. For example, if you add a new hydrogen cap and atom 12 in your system is carbon, 12 1.0 0.40393212 0.22566831 -0.24641973 will define a hydrogen cap. Non-hydrogen caps can be done likewise, just be sure that charges differ. ========================================================== ==========================================================
generated on 7/7/2017