$DISBS group                                (optional)                          
   This group defines auxiliary basis functions used to                         
evaluate the dispersion free energy by the method of                            
Amovilli and Mennucci.  These functions are used only for                       
the dispersion calculation, and thus have nothing to do                         
with the normal basis given in $BASIS or $DATA.  If the                         
input group is omitted, only the normal basis is used for                       
the IDP=1 dispersion energy.                                                    
NADD   = the number of added shells                                             
XYZE   = an array giving the x,y,z coordinates (in bohr)                        
         of the center, and exponent of the added shell,                        
         for each of the NADD shells.                                           
NKTYPE = an array giving the angular momenta of the shells                      
An example placing 2s,2p,2d,1f on one particular atom,                          
 $DISBS  NADD=7 NKTYP(1)= 0 0 1 1 2 2 3                                         
         XYZE(1)=2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2                                
                 2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.05                               
                 2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2                                
                 2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.05                               
                 2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.75                               
                 2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2                                
                 2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2  $END                          

generated on 7/7/2017