$DISREP group                               (optional)                          
   This group controls evaluation of the dispersion and                         
repulsion energies by the empirical method of Floris and                        
Tomasi.  The group must be given when IDISP=1 in $PCM,                          
whenever the solvent is not water.  Only one of the two                         
options ICLAV or ILJ should be selected.  Due to its lack                       
of parameters, almost no one chooses ILJ.                                       
ICLAV = selects Claverie's disp-rep formalism.                                  
      = 0 skip computation.                                                     
      = 1 Compute the solute-solvent disp-rep interaction                       
          as a sum over atom-atom interactions through a                        
          Buckingham-type formula (R^-6 for dispersion,                         
          exp for repulsion).  (default)                                        
          Ref: Pertsin-Kitaigorodsky "The atom-atom                             
               potential method", page 146.                                     
ILJ   = selects a Lennard-Jones formalism.                                      
      = 0 skip computation. (default)                                           
      = 1 solute atom's-solvent molecule interaction is                         
          modeled by Lennard-Jones type potentials, R^-6                        
          for dispersion, R^-12 for repulsion).                                 
---- the following data must given for ICLAV=1:                                 
RHO   = solvent numeral density                                                 
N     = number of atom types in the solvent molecule                            
NT    = an array of the number of atoms of each type in a                       
        solvent molecule                                                        
RDIFF = distances between the first atoms of each type                          
        and the cavity                                                          
DKT   = array of parameters of the dis-rep potential for                        
        the solvent                                                             
RWT   = array of atomic radii for the solvent                                   
The defaults are appropriate for water,                                         
DKA   = array of parameters of the dis-rep potential for                        
        the solute.  Defaults are provided for some common                      
        H: 1.00   Be: 1.00   B: 1.00   C: 1.00                                  
        N: 1.10    O: 1.36   P: 2.10   S: 1.40                                  
RWA   = array of atomic radii for the solute to compute                         
        dis-rep.  Defaults are provided for some common                         
        H: 1.20   Be: 1.72   B: 1.72   C: 1.72                                  
        N: 1.60    O: 1.50   P: 1.85   S: 1.80                                  
Other elements have DKA and RWA values of 0.0 and so must                       
be  given in the input deck, or the dispersion/repulsion                        
energy will be 0.  For EFP/PCM calculations, only QM atoms                      
need DKA and RWA values to calculate the DIS-REP energy.                        
---- the following data must given for ILJ=1:                                   
RHO   = solvent numeral density                                                 
EPSI  = an array of energy constants referred to each atom                      
        of the solute molecule.                                                 
SIGMA = an array of typical distances, relative to each                         
        solute atom                                                             

generated on 7/7/2017