$GLBFRG group (relevant to RUNTYP=GLOBOP) ========================================================== This group defines the sets of ab initio atoms in $DATA that are treated as groups in Monte Carlo runs. It also defines any groups that are to be frozen, not moved during the Monte Carlo search. AIFRG = an array assigning atoms to groups. Two styles are supported (the choice is made based on AIFRG(1): if it is nonzero, choice (a) is taken, otherwise AIFRG(1) is ignored and choice (b) is taken): a) AIFRG(i)=m assigns atom i is to fragment m. AIFRG(i) must be given for each atom. b) the style is a1 a2 ... ak 0 b1 b2 ... bm 0 ... Elements a1...ak are assigned to fragment 1, then b1...bm are assigned to fragment 2,etc. An element is one of the following: I or I -J where I means atom I, and a pair I,-J means the range of atoms I-J. There must be no space after the "-"! Example: AIFRG(1)=1,1,1,2,2,1 is equivalent to AIFRG(1)=0, 1,-3,6,0, 4,5,0 Both assign atoms 1,2,3 and 6 to fragment 1, and 4,5 to fragment 2. NAICUT = automatically divides a molecule into fragments by assigning NAICUT atoms to each fragment (useful for something like water clusters). This sets AIFRG, so it need not be included. If 0, the automatic option is disabled. (default: 0) IFXFMO = array of FMO fragments or ab initio groups that are not moved during the Monte Carlo search. if an optimization step (MCMIN or OPTN) is used, the fragment/group will likely be moved. IBNDS = Array of atoms to be positionally linked. example for two pairs between atoms 1 and 5, and 3 and 6. IBNDS(1)=1,5,3,6 PRSEP = Maximum separation allowed for paired atoms. The default uses a formula using the average atomic radii of each element from Macmolplt, which are designed to approximate single bonds. PRSEP= (radius_atom1 + radius_atom2)*1.05 To specify a different max separation, you MUST specify a value for each pair of bonded atoms given in IBNDS in the same order. To use the default for a given pair, enter 0. Example: for 3 pairs with a non-default maximum separation for the second pair given in IBNDS use PRSEP(1)=0,X,0 where X is the desired separation INDEP = Integer flag that toggles whether translations of fragments connected by paired atoms are propagated to all other connected fragments. A value of 1 disables propagation. (Default=0) ==========================================================
generated on 7/7/2017