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$MD group (relevant if RUNTYP=MD) This group controls the molecular dynamics trajectory for a collection of quantum mechanical atoms and/or Effective Fragment Potential particles. A typical MD simulation starts with an equilibration phase, running long enough to produce a randomized structure and velocity distribution. Typically equilibration is done with an NVT ensemble, allowing the system to equilibrate to a desired temperature. A production run restarts with the positions and the velocity and quaternion data from the equilibration run, might use either a NVE or NVT ensemble, and collects radial distribution functions and other properties. Only a few properties are computed from the MD trajectory, apart from correct radial distribution functions. In particular, the pressures, diffusion constants, and heats of vaporization that appear on the printout (presently only for pure EFP runs) are from a preliminary code, which has not yet been verified. If the system contains only EFP particles, it may be placed in a periodic box, according to the minimum image convention. The optional periodic boundary conditions, along with cut-offs, are given in the $EFRAG input. See also the $EWALD input group for long-range electrostatic treatment if PBC is used. The first keywords relate to the steps: MDINT = MD integrator selection. = FROG (leapfrog). This is less accurate, and lacks the special ensemble stepper option NVTNH. = VVERLET (velocity Verlet) - default. DT = MD time step size, in seconds, default=1.0d-15, which is a femtosecond. NVTNH selects a integrator step appropriate to the desired ensemble. This is only implemented for velocity Verlet. = 0 means use NVE Verlet stepping = 1 means use NVT Verlet stepping = 2 means use Nose/Hoover chain NVT Verlet stepping The default is 2 if either NVT option RSTEMP or RSRAND is chosen, but is 0 otherwise. NSTEPS = number of MD time steps to be found in this run, default=10000. TTOTAL = total time elapsed in the previous part of a MD trajectory which is being restarted (READ=.TRUE.). The default means this trajectory is a new one, or perhaps the start of a production phase of the MD. (default=0.0 seconds) * * * BATHT = bath temperature, in Kelvin (default=300.0) This value is used during NVT runs, or if the MD is initialized to a Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution. * * * Two options exist to create NVT runs, to bring the system to a desired bath temperature. If neither is chosen, the ensemble is NVE: RSTEMP = flag to rescale the temperature. default=.FALSE. DTEMP = temperature range for the RSTEMP option. The velocities are rescaled to the bath temperature if T < (BATHT-DTEMP) or T > (BATHT+DTEMP). The default is DTEMP=100.0 degrees. RSRAND = flag to reset to Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, using random numbers (same algorithm as MBT and MBR) to choose individual velocity magnitudes and directions. default=.FALSE. NRAND = number of steps for the RSRAND option. Reassign velocities (translational and rotational) every NRAND time steps. Default=1000. NVTOFF = step number at which to turn off either NVT thermostat, and switch to NVE. At this point, the NVTNH parameter will be reset to 0, and the PROD flag will be turned on, so that the production run will start (gathering and printing the RDF information to .log file). This keyword is also useful in NVE runs to postpone the accumulation of production information. The default means no switch to NVE (default=0). JEVERY = report simulation quantities (write info such as energies, temps, etc. to .log file) and collect RDF info each JEVERY time step. Default=10 KEVERY = write coordinates (to log and TRAJECT files), velocity/quaternion restart info (to the TRAJECT file and RDFs (to log file) at each KEVERY step. default=100 PROD = production run, at present this means only that information for radial distribution functions is collected, and printed. default=.FALSE. DELR = spacing for radial bins in RDF calculations, default=0.02 Angstroms. NPROP = step number at which to begin collecting data for the other properties, such as pressure and diffusion constants. This should be a value between 1 and NSTEPS, as it counts off the current run's steps. Default=0. PBCOUT = print PBC coordinates in the end of simulation (i.e. all molecules will be contained in one box) Default=.FALSE. * * * SSBP = flag to add spherical solvent boundary condition using the harmonic restraint potential(V) V=0.5*SFORCE*(R-DROFF)**2. (Default=.FALSE) SFORCE = the force constant for SSBP in kcal/mol-A**2 (default: 0.0). CCMS = flag to add a harmonic potential to constrain the center of mass of the QM subsystem. This will keep the QM subsystem in QM/MM-MD with spherical boundary conditions near the center of sphere. (Default=.FALSE) CFORCE = the force constant for CCMS in kcal/mol-A**2 (default: 0.0). DROFF = is an array of distances such that V=0 if Rgenerated on 7/7/2017