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$MRMP group (relevant if SCFTYP=MCSCF, MPLEVL=2) This group allows you to specify which second order multi-reference perturbation theory program is executed. See REFS.DOC for more details about multireference PT. Results from these programs should never be referred to as "CASPT2". That method is similar in spirit, but is a different set of equations, whose numerical results will not be identical to those used for MRMP/MCQDPT. When the reference wavefunction is CAS-SCF, the perturbation energies from either DETMRPT or MCQDPT programs should be called MRMP when applied to a single state, and MCQDPT when applied to more than one state. GMCPT is a different method, also not "CASPT2". Diabatic state generation is permitted only through the CSF-based CAS-reference perturbation program (MCQDPT). MRPT = DETMRPT requests a determinant program. The MCSCF may use CISTEP=ALDET, using a CAS-SCF reference, in which case the run produces results equivalent to MCQDPT. The MCSCF may also use CISTEP=ORMAS to use more general references. In either case, the reference must be given by $DET (and possibly $ORMAS) inputs. See $DETPT for perturbation specific input. (default for most runs) = MCQDPT requests a CSF (GUGA based) program. Its advantages compared to DETMRPT are that it can do spin-orbit MRPT, and find the weight of the MCQDPT zeroth order state. CISTEP can be ALDET or GUGA, your choice. See $MCQDPT for related input. (default for RUNTYP=TRANSITN) (default for DIABAT=.TRUE. in $MCSCF) = GMCPT requests a determinant based program that can use non-CAS type reference functions, including ORMAS or user defined lists. See $GMCPT for related input and more info. Both the DETMRPT and MCQDPT programs produce numerically identical results, if you select a tight value of THRGEN=1D-12 for the latter program (in some cases you may also need to tighten their CI convergence criteria). Eight or more decimal place energy agreement between the two codes has been observed, when being careful about these cutoffs. This is true whether the codes are running in single state mode, which the literature calls MRMP, or in multi-state mode, which the literature calls MCQDPT. Generally speaking, the determinant code uses direct CI technology to avoid disk I/O, and is much faster when used with larger active spaces (particularly above 12 active orbitals). The determinant code uses essentially no disk space beyond that required by the MCSCF itself. The determinant code uses native integral transformation codes, including the distributed memory parallel transformation. However, the determinant code is perhaps a bit slower when there is a small active space and very many filled valence orbitals included in the PT. Both codes exploit distributed memory parallelization (MEMDDI). The determinant program lacks complete control of orbital canonicalization. Be careful to read in only canonicalized core, active, and virtual MOs if you pick RDVECS=.TRUE. with this program. RDVECS = a flag controlling whether the orbitals should be MCSCF optimized in this run. A value of .TRUE. means that your converged MCSCF orbitals are being given in $VEC, and the program will branch to the perturbation treatement. (default=.FALSE.) notes: If you select RDVECS, and are not doing spin-orbit coupling with the CSF program, $GUESS method GUESS=MOREAD is used to process the orbitals. Its options such as NORB and PURIFY will apply to reading the $VEC input, and as always, MOREAD in $GUESS will orthogonalize. If you are using the CSF program for spin-orbit coupling, $GUESS is ignored, and the $VEC or $VECn group must contain all virtuals. The orbitals will not be reorthogonalized unless you select the MODVEC option. In either case, if your orbitals are not orthogonal, you are better off repeating MCSCF with RDVECS=.FALSE.! MODVEC = 0 skip orthogonalization (default) = 1 do orthogonalization in the SO-MCQDPT program. ========================================================== ===========================================================
generated on 7/7/2017