Introduction to Musical Concepts C.W. Post Department of Music

Dynamics Notation

Dynamics symbols indicate how loud or soft music should be played or sung. The basic dynamics symbols are piano representing the Italian word piano ("quiet") and forte for forte ("loud"). By combining these letter symbols together varying degrees of loudness or softness can be indicated.

Common dynamics symbols
pianissimo Pianissimo very quiet (more piano)
piano Piano soft or quiet
mezzo-piano Mezzo-piano moderately quiet
mezzo-forte Mezzo-forte moderately loud
forte Forte loud
fortissimo Fortissimo very loud (more forte)

Other symbols include:
sforzando Sforzando A sudden stress or accent on a single note or chord
or cresc.
Crescendo gradually get louder
or dim.
or Diminuendo
gradually get softer

As with tempo notation, this area of notation can be very imprecise and open to performer interpretation. Just how soft is piano (piano).

To hear musical examples of how the above symbols are used, check the Music Materials section of the Online Tutor. (Look for the Dynamics link.)