After geometry of the molecule is inputed, one chooses the charge, multiplicity, and symmetry of the molecule.
The basis set is chosen from a set of internally stored basis sets in GAMESS. Choice to add higher angular momentum polarization functions and diffuse functions for anion calculations are also among the choices.
Next is to choose methods or type of wave functions. The Hartree-Fock theory, density functional theory, and Moller-Plesset perturbation theory are chosen from the list. A various flavors of the coupled-cluster theory is available for a single point energy.
The last item is the choice of calculation types. The type of computations that are available are: single point energy, geometry optimization, molecular vibration (Hessian), transition state search, and intrinsic reaction coordinates.
This is all one needs to do, in order to create an input file. By pressing a “submit” button, the program will check your input file by running a so-called “check run”. The program will display 3D image of the molecule inputed, and tells if the input was constructed correctly or not.